Traditional methods

     Modern man further and further away from nature. Using the achievements of chemistry, physics, engineering , we are no longer actively move , go to the synthetic food, breathe polluted air, drink poisoned water . All this leads to the fact that we acquire new diseases , and our peace of mind is increasingly disturbed by anger , aggression , envy as ours, and the people around us . Conventional medicine offers a huge arsenal of the latest tools and methods of treating diseases , but very often , getting rid of one disease , the person gets a few other related side effects of synthetic drugs. In some cases, the verdict of doctors categorical: " Do you need an operation ." A pass and whether it is successful, will not bring any complications - this is no guarantee .

     Where is the search for an exit ? Can come to the aid of alternative medicine . Now it is accessed more and more frequently, and qualified doctors are beginning to recommend to patients ' grandmother's recipes . " Of course, not everything is clear . Hardly anyone today dare to use this advice : "Take a handful of dried cockroaches , grind into powder ... ", but in the arsenal of traditional medicine has a lot of useful and effective means . We offer them to your attention.

     It is important to properly prepare the drug , strictly observing the dosage of raw materials. But, unfortunately , this is where we are faced with major challenges . The fact that many of the recipes were not sufficiently complete and detailed . We tried not to include such recipes , so if they do occur , it is only as interesting information.

     Despite all the achievements of scientific and technological progress , we remain children of Nature. And in difficult times for our help can come all that created it : plants, rocks , minerals, mud , water, sand, clay , sunlight, odors. You only need to learn how to use it all , and in doing so, we hope you will help the site " Herb Treatment " , which describes the various natural treatments .

     In Russia has long been practiced herbalism . To have survived many herbalists indicating herbs and methods of their application . Now in our pharmacies have a large selection of various medicinal plants. You can use them or collect the necessary herbs themselves . But remember that it needs to have both knowledge and experience , and intuition. Collector of medicinal raw materials must be familiar with all the characteristics of plants to choose the right time to collect them . Otherwise, the drug may not only not help , but harm . Here are the list of contraindications to receive these or other herbs and a list of toxic and potent plants. Recommend before you begin treatment herbs to read this part .

     We would like to remind you that the effectiveness of treatment is higher, the more you believe in its success. We hope that your faith is multiplied by the folk wisdom and knowledge will help you cope with the disease , gain health and peace of mind.

     Traditional medicine has a rich history . For many centuries people have accumulated recipes treatment of various diseases . In ancient written monuments belonging to the Sumerians , who lived in what is now Iraq in the sixth millennium BC. e . , there are indications that they used herbal medicine . Of course, natural sources of health - plants, water, sand , sounds - use and older people , but written evidence of this has been preserved, and its secrets ancient healers passed down orally from generation to generation.