Longevity is

     Proper, balanced diet is a major factor for health and longevity . On what , how and in what quantities to eat people , it depends on the physical state . Human nutrition should match its energy costs . Excessive intake of food as well as insufficient harmful for the body and causes various diseases. Indicators of energy balance can be called good health and normal weight . The diet of any person must attend a certain composition of proteins , fats and carbohydrates . When the balance of these substances in the body there are various adverse shifts . The primary function of carbohydrates is to supply energy to the body. Unlike protein and fats , carbohydrates are mainly energy value , so at their expense easiest to regulate caloric intake . Fats, and proteins in particular , except of energy supply are also necessary material for plastic purposes , ie for constantly occurring processes of cell renewal . Absolutely necessary parts of the food - minerals : calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, etc. , as well as trace elements such as copper, zinc, cobalt , fluorine, iodine, etc. It is essential for human life and vitamins - organic compounds with high biological activity .


     In clinical nutrition has several types of dietary tables. First is the so-called zero table , or zero diet . It includes liquid and gelatinous dishes. It is usually administered in a hospital surgical in the first days after surgery on the stomach or pancreas , so we shall not give her .

                               CLEANSING starvation

     During fasting, the body is cleared of toxins , and thus heals . Fasting is useful to patients obesity, atherosclerosis , people with metabolic disorders , diseases of the gastrointestinal tract , liver, kidneys , there is evidence that using fasting can cure cancer.